Yep, what a pity she dabbled with a known deba*chery agent provocateur who was already inf*cted with an incur*ble vir*s as he def*led her & another girl...necessitating Bree's career at an untimely end which she later masked as retirement, until we deduce the timeline of her "retirement" against her last admitted scene filmed "a year ago" (2010) in a 2011 interview. Which really translates as "I fucked Charlie until he admitted he was h*v+ & by the time I learned I could be at risk...the law statute precludes any performer from further participation in the industry once deviant behaviour proves a risk to l*fe or limb", she later announced her retirement in 2011 when she hadn't made a film in a "year". Unless she did porn in Europe, we'll never see her again.